Episode 45

Leveraging Mindset Plus Sales Skill Set with Yinka Ewuola

Published on: 10th November, 2021

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In this episode of the Science of Selling STEM, I’ll be talking to Yinka Ewuola, the Founder of Calla Success Systems and the creator of the FAB and FEARless BoostCamp. Yinka is also an international women's business coach, consultant, speaker, business and asset strategist, systems savant, a former investment banker, and founding member of UK Black Tech. She focuses on systems and leverage to ensure that the habits, environments, and processes in women’s lives and businesses support their deepest hopes, wildest dreams, and enable them to define success on their own terms.

Passionate about the holistic approach to improvement and success, she enjoys working with women looking to build businesses that play to their strengths, nourishes their souls, and also works around their busy and fulfilling lives, those not willing to settle for less. Yinka has a proven track record of developing bespoke solutions for women in leadership and has supported many through their journeys in business, education, and the charitable sectors. Join us as Yinka teaches us how combining our skills in sales with a strong mindset can help us thrive in our sales careers, and so much more.

On Today’s Episode of the Science of Selling STEM:

  • How she discovered the challenges that women in business face and became passionate about changing the narrative (02:21)
  • Going into investment banking to learn about money (04:49)
  • Why money is a great way for salespeople to keep score (07:21)
  • Choosing to leave the corporate world to jump into business (09:42)
  • The importance of every business owner having the need to sell (11:28)
  • Getting over her introverted nature so she could go out and start selling (12:31)
  • Helping women overcome self-limiting beliefs so they can be confident enough to sell themselves and their products (18:41)
  • Fearing less when you’re starting out in sales (23:04)
  • Undercharging: One of the chronic problems that face women in business (25:00)

Connect with Yinka Ewuola:

Connect with Wesleyne Greer:

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Yinka Ewuola:

As a sales manager, you are judged by the

Yinka Ewuola:

performance of your team, and you're praised when they do

Yinka Ewuola:

well. But one thing that you've not been able to figure out is

Yinka Ewuola:

how to get everyone on your team consistently hitting quota every

Yinka Ewuola:

single month. On the Snack size sales podcast, we discuss the

Yinka Ewuola:

science of selling stem sales leadership in the science,

Yinka Ewuola:

technology, engineering and manufacturing fields is

Yinka Ewuola:

difficult. You will learn from sales managers just like you

Yinka Ewuola:

that will give you actionable insights and tips on how to

Yinka Ewuola:

develop as a leader and achieve your revenue targets every

Yinka Ewuola:

single month. So pop your headphones in and get ready to

Yinka Ewuola:

listen to my guest today. They will give you information and

Yinka Ewuola:

inspiration to ensure that you have actionable insights that

Yinka Ewuola:

you can put into place today. Hello, and welcome to another

Yinka Ewuola:

episode of the science of selling Sam. Today I have an

Yinka Ewuola:

amazing person all the way from the UK. Yinka a Wallah. Did I

Yinka Ewuola:

say right,

Yinka Ewuola:

it's all good. It was happy. Thanks for plein

Yinka Ewuola:

air. I'm sorry, people always missed my name up so I try to

Yinka Ewuola:

get names right. Are you doing I

Yinka Ewuola:

am awesome. I'm so glad to be here. Thank you so much for

Yinka Ewuola:

having me.

Yinka Ewuola:

I'm excited to chat with you. So let me tell you guys a little

Yinka Ewuola:

bit about Inga. She's a coach, consultant, strategist, trainer

Yinka Ewuola:

and speaker working with inspired and ambitious women

Yinka Ewuola:

wanting to have they're all on their own terms. She's the

Yinka Ewuola:

founder of calla success systems, and creator of the fab

Yinka Ewuola:

and fearless imprint of bootcamps programs and the

Yinka Ewuola:

collective supporting women to grow and scale their business.

Yinka Ewuola:

She focuses on systems and leveraging and to ensure that

Yinka Ewuola:

the habits, environments and processes in women's lives and

Yinka Ewuola:

businesses support their deepest hopes, wildest dreams, and

Yinka Ewuola:

enable them to define success on their own terms, and build

Yinka Ewuola:

exciting inspiring journeys to get there. So did you just like

Yinka Ewuola:

pop out of the womb and become this amazingly inspiring person?

Yinka Ewuola:

How did you start your career? And how did you get to where you

Yinka Ewuola:

are today?

Yinka Ewuola:

Well, thank you so much. As I said, the answer to your first

Yinka Ewuola:

question that is maybe only because I absolutely believe

Yinka Ewuola:

that everyone is obviously I think everyone's born special. I

Yinka Ewuola:

think everyone has their superpowers. And I'm really

Yinka Ewuola:

grateful to be in the space where I'm getting to use mine

Yinka Ewuola:

but it's been a journey. I mean, I am hella introverted is the

Yinka Ewuola:

first thing I would say I'm such an introvert. I'm also a

Yinka Ewuola:

recovering shy person. So when I was in my teens, I was super,

Yinka Ewuola:

ultra shy, very nerdy kid love my books, love. You know, I love

Yinka Ewuola:

books more than I love people. So my career journey started in

Yinka Ewuola:

banking, I was an investment banking, working for one of the

Yinka Ewuola:

biggest investment banks in the world. And then my journey into

Yinka Ewuola:

what I do now, kind of really kicked off when my mum was

Yinka Ewuola:

diagnosed with cancer, and she was running her own business.

Yinka Ewuola:

But I kept seeing her leaving her treatment to go and serve

Yinka Ewuola:

his client needs. And so I was like, Whoa, this is literally

Yinka Ewuola:

the definition of someone feeling like they need to choose

Yinka Ewuola:

between their money in their life. And I'm like, that doesn't

Yinka Ewuola:

make it. I can't live with that. So the best thing I can do so I

Yinka Ewuola:

stepped out of my banking career to help my mom won her business

Yinka Ewuola:

to help her focus on getting back to health. We're really

Yinka Ewuola:

glad to say that she has, she's amazing, she kicked cancers, but

Yinka Ewuola:

she went climbing up Mount Kilimanjaro to celebrate 10

Yinka Ewuola:

years free of cancer. That's the kind of awesome woman she is.

Yinka Ewuola:

But what I was kept seeing was similar challenges from with

Yinka Ewuola:

female led businesses, which was, you know, this idea that,

Yinka Ewuola:

you know, when the world needs support, they run to the women

Yinka Ewuola:

in their lives, but when women need support, the support that

Yinka Ewuola:

they need isn't always there, if they can find it. It's often

Yinka Ewuola:

designed by men for men, and it doesn't fit into the realities

Yinka Ewuola:

of, of our lives as women but it's also underpinned by some

Yinka Ewuola:

pretty challenging ideas around things like money mindset, you

Yinka Ewuola:

know what it means to sell things and so women are all

Yinka Ewuola:

riddled up, you know, with that, and the patriarchy and it's all

Yinka Ewuola:

fun. So yeah, it's been a really powerful journey. Definitely

Yinka Ewuola:

lots of blood, lots of sweat, lots of tears, but it's brought

Yinka Ewuola:

me to where I am today.

Yinka Ewuola:

So I want to rewind a bit I want to ask you about your life as an

Yinka Ewuola:

investment banker. So when you think about what you did when

Yinka Ewuola:

you first started out your career, what in that first stint

Yinka Ewuola:

into Hey, this is what I want to do for the rest of my life has

Yinka Ewuola:

helped set you up for success today.

Yinka Ewuola:

I knew going into banking I didn't want to do it for the

Yinka Ewuola:

rest of my life. The reason why I went into banking was because

Yinka Ewuola:

I wanted to understand money. You know, I'm I'm Nigerian,

Yinka Ewuola:

although the accent would know Not necessarily tell you that.

Yinka Ewuola:

But my parents both were born in Nigeria, I was born in the UK.

Yinka Ewuola:

So I'm a child of an immigrant. And you know, my parents both

Yinka Ewuola:

came to the UK to study, they worked their butts off, they

Yinka Ewuola:

experienced ridiculous racism. And, you know, we experienced

Yinka Ewuola:

incredible love, but also, you know, some severe lack in like

Yinka Ewuola:

financial lack. So I wanted to understand money, I wanted to

Yinka Ewuola:

understand how it worked, I wanted to understand what it was

Yinka Ewuola:

about it and how to handle it so that I would never be poor

Yinka Ewuola:

myself. So I went into banking with a really clear picture in

Yinka Ewuola:

my mind of what I was there for, I mean, that they accelerated my

Yinka Ewuola:

journey out of banking. That's another story. The things that I

Yinka Ewuola:

loved, though, that I got from my banking career was this, you

Yinka Ewuola:

know, understanding of how money works, this understanding of the

Yinka Ewuola:

fact that it is an incredible tool for you to use however you

Yinka Ewuola:

want, money does not change people, it doesn't ruin people,

Yinka Ewuola:

it doesn't taint things, it literally amplifies the

Yinka Ewuola:

expression and the values of the holder. And so that is one of

Yinka Ewuola:

the biggest lessons I learned because it really set me up to

Yinka Ewuola:

recognize that it isn't the money I want, it's the meaning

Yinka Ewuola:

that I give to my money that drives me. And that is

Yinka Ewuola:

absolutely one of the most powerful influences for what I

Yinka Ewuola:

do now. Because I want to make a difference. You know, I'm a

Yinka Ewuola:

black woman living in a non black non female world. And so

Yinka Ewuola:

the more money I gather, under my influence, the more I get to

Yinka Ewuola:

make the changes to the people that look like me, and the

Yinka Ewuola:

people who have no voice, and the people who can't necessarily

Yinka Ewuola:

stand up for themselves. And that's the kind of world I want

Yinka Ewuola:

to live in. And I know that that takes money.

Yinka Ewuola:

Hmm. So you really think about money in a completely different

Yinka Ewuola:

aspect that many salespeople do, right? And the fact that you got

Yinka Ewuola:

that really strong foundation and understanding how money

Yinka Ewuola:

works, how having a lot of money can help you and how just that

Yinka Ewuola:

quick that money can be gone. And you can be way back down and

Yinka Ewuola:

zero. So when you think about money from that aspect, and

Yinka Ewuola:

sales help us put those things together. So thinking about

Yinka Ewuola:

money from a financial standpoint, but as a

Yinka Ewuola:

salesperson, how can we use those thoughts that you just

Yinka Ewuola:

brought us to help bridge that gap?

Yinka Ewuola:

I think it's really important to remember, like, obviously, as a

Yinka Ewuola:

salesperson, money is one of the great ways you keep score. So

Yinka Ewuola:

obviously, the more money you have, you know, on a daily,

Yinka Ewuola:

weekly, monthly basis, you know, that obviously demonstrates your

Yinka Ewuola:

ability to sell. But as a salesperson, we have this

Yinka Ewuola:

incredible role, you know, if we are selling something that we

Yinka Ewuola:

truly believe in, and that truly adds value to the people that we

Yinka Ewuola:

are serving, then we are you know, we're literally changing

Yinka Ewuola:

the world. Because we're ultimately enabling someone by

Yinka Ewuola:

allowing them to pay for the solution that we're offering,

Yinka Ewuola:

we're allowing them to participate in their own rescue,

Yinka Ewuola:

we're allowing them to create a sense of agency, I know, you

Yinka Ewuola:

know, someone who runs a business, I know 101 times I've

Yinka Ewuola:

given someone something for free, and I've sold exactly the

Yinka Ewuola:

same thing to someone else. And the person who bought it, you

Yinka Ewuola:

know, there's that line in their account, they know they paid

Yinka Ewuola:

some money for it, and they, the use of it, their appreciation of

Yinka Ewuola:

it, and their value of it is different. So I think being able

Yinka Ewuola:

to give your money meaning, you know, really does help in terms

Yinka Ewuola:

of you know, your own aspirations. But I you know,

Yinka Ewuola:

salespeople get the worst rap around, you know, other people's

Yinka Ewuola:

negative sales experiences. But I believe in the opportunity to

Yinka Ewuola:

create win wins, you know, through sales. And so for me, I

Yinka Ewuola:

think that gives money and even more empowering meaning because

Yinka Ewuola:

you are creating a win for the person who is buying, you're

Yinka Ewuola:

creating a win for you in your organization. Everyone's

Yinka Ewuola:

winning, who doesn't love that?

Yinka Ewuola:

I love that. I often say that, you know, when you're selling,

Yinka Ewuola:

you're serving so many people, they have this negative

Yinka Ewuola:

connotation for sales, or it's hard for them to even ask for

Yinka Ewuola:

money or to even say, Hey, Mr. prospect, this is how much it's

Yinka Ewuola:

gonna cost. But one thing that I love that you said, you said,

Yinka Ewuola:

you're they're allowing you, right, they have to give you

Yinka Ewuola:

permission, you don't just jump in and do it. They're allowing

Yinka Ewuola:

you to help them solve a problem. So you entered

Yinka Ewuola:

entrepreneurship differently than so many people do. Because

Yinka Ewuola:

your mom had an established business and you understood

Yinka Ewuola:

finance, which is the thing that so many small business owners

Yinka Ewuola:

don't get. And it's why so many small businesses fail. So tell

Yinka Ewuola:

me about how was it saying, Okay, I'm leaving the corporate

Yinka Ewuola:

realm. And now I'm going to jump into business and help my mom,

Yinka Ewuola:

how was that?

Yinka Ewuola:

Okay, so first of all, I would say a slightly different thing.

Yinka Ewuola:

So the reason I've seen that businesses fail is because

Yinka Ewuola:

business owners don't really understand what it takes to make

Yinka Ewuola:

a business successful. And what I would say that is his habits.

Yinka Ewuola:

And one of those habits is to understand your finances, but

Yinka Ewuola:

it's not the only like business owners, they fall in love with

Yinka Ewuola:

their products rather than falling in love with the problem

Yinka Ewuola:

they're supposed to be solving. And so you know, you stop

Yinka Ewuola:

listening to your market, you stop, you know, tapping into the

Yinka Ewuola:

needs, your marketing messages are also what makes businesses

Yinka Ewuola:

like finance absolutely helped. But what I would say is someone

Yinka Ewuola:

who had a really strong finance background to go into a small

Yinka Ewuola:

business, in an industry I wasn't familiar in and knowing

Yinka Ewuola:

nothing else about business, it was a true baptism of fire,

Yinka Ewuola:

because I was dealing with all sorts of things I'd never really

Yinka Ewuola:

touched before. But what I would say is that it really helped me

Yinka Ewuola:

to understand the importance of the numbers part, because like

Yinka Ewuola:

you said, so many I, the learning curve for me on the

Yinka Ewuola:

other parts was so steep, but it appeared less steep because I

Yinka Ewuola:

knew my numbers. And because that is the place where so many

Yinka Ewuola:

business owners stumble. So I think that it was really, as I

Yinka Ewuola:

said, it was a real baptism of fire. But the other thing as

Yinka Ewuola:

well is, and this is where I qualify what I said in the first

Yinka Ewuola:

place, if you are selling something you truly believe in,

Yinka Ewuola:

then sales absolutely is service. And I never, you know,

Yinka Ewuola:

at that time, I was still, you know, relatively shy and

Yinka Ewuola:

relatively reserved, but I had to really put my thoughts and me

Yinka Ewuola:

and my ego aside, to really think about who I was trying to

Yinka Ewuola:

serve and who I was trying to help. And so that was really one

Yinka Ewuola:

of the powerful shifts in my mind, you know, I don't

Yinka Ewuola:

understand how and you know, obviously, I run my own

Yinka Ewuola:

business. Now, I still co support my mom on that business,

Yinka Ewuola:

but I don't understand how people want to go into business.

Yinka Ewuola:

And yet they don't want to sell or they want to sell without

Yinka Ewuola:

selling, which it just creates mental dissonance, you know,

Yinka Ewuola:

cognitive dissonance, you're not going to be able to do that

Yinka Ewuola:

effectively. If you want to go into business, you need to want

Yinka Ewuola:

to sell, you need to love selling, you need to love

Yinka Ewuola:

serving your market, you need to love the solution that you can

Yinka Ewuola:

offer to people and the transformation you can give or

Yinka Ewuola:

change your business or change your product. Hmm.

Yinka Ewuola:

So a lot of the listeners are in these heavily technical areas,

Yinka Ewuola:

they're in the STEM areas, and so innately, they may be

Yinka Ewuola:

engineers, or scientists or maybe even bankers, you know,

Yinka Ewuola:

and being shy being an introvert is a thing, right? It is a thing

Yinka Ewuola:

and people are like, Wesleyne You're not a chemist, like, you

Yinka Ewuola:

know, I like a chemist, because you're too You talk too much.

Yinka Ewuola:

How did you get over because you mentioned it a couple times,

Yinka Ewuola:

you're introverted Ness, your shine is how did you get over

Yinka Ewuola:

that says really put yourself out there and start selling.

Yinka Ewuola:

You know, what it was lean is something I spend a lot of time

Yinka Ewuola:

thinking about. I've actually like next year, I've got

Yinka Ewuola:

products coming up targeting and focusing on introversion,

Yinka Ewuola:

because people really see it like it's a problem, or it's

Yinka Ewuola:

like a burden. And actually, it's a real superpower. It's a

Yinka Ewuola:

real superpower. Like introverts make such incredible

Yinka Ewuola:

salespeople, because of some certain aspects that come

Yinka Ewuola:

naturally to us were often a lot more, you know, detail oriented,

Yinka Ewuola:

we are people who listen, you know, there's active listening,

Yinka Ewuola:

and then there's introvert, active listening. And the fact

Yinka Ewuola:

is, if sales is really service, then you are listening far more

Yinka Ewuola:

than you're talking. And people will tell you what they need.

Yinka Ewuola:

And if you're willing to listen, and you're willing to connect

Yinka Ewuola:

the dots, which have another introversion superpower, and

Yinka Ewuola:

certainly in my version of it, then actually you're not selling

Yinka Ewuola:

to people, they're selling themselves. And so there are so

Yinka Ewuola:

many, you know, I've never been extroverted. So it would be hard

Yinka Ewuola:

for me to say I love being introverted, as though I have a

Yinka Ewuola:

comparison, I really don't. But I've learned sales from so many

Yinka Ewuola:

extroverts. And I've learnt the tactics, and I've learned the

Yinka Ewuola:

frameworks. And what I've seen is that the things that are

Yinka Ewuola:

essential to excellent sales that makes an experience that

Yinka Ewuola:

both parties love, are things that introverts have in buckets,

Yinka Ewuola:

that listening ear, that attention to detail. And so for

Yinka Ewuola:

me, introversion isn't a problem, it's not a burden, it's

Yinka Ewuola:

about you managing your energy. Yeah, I can't stack sales calls

Yinka Ewuola:

back to back to back, I do need that time in between to like,

Yinka Ewuola:

not talk to anyone, and we capture my energy and

Yinka Ewuola:

interacting with people absolutely does drain me after a

Yinka Ewuola:

while. But actually, from a sales perspective. You know,

Yinka Ewuola:

there's nothing about introversion that stands in your

Yinka Ewuola:

way unless you want it to and this is the other thing that

Yinka Ewuola:

I've really learned, certainly for me is I used to use

Yinka Ewuola:

introversion as a bit like a shield. I would be like, Oh my

Yinka Ewuola:

gosh, I can't possibly do that. I'm an introvert. But actually

Yinka Ewuola:

what I was was afraid of money. And I was afraid of rejection,

Yinka Ewuola:

and I was focused on the wrong person. I was focused on what I

Yinka Ewuola:

look like, rather than how I could serve how what I was

Yinka Ewuola:

offering could serve the people that I was sharing it with. So I

Yinka Ewuola:

have in lots of different places around whenever you know, it's

Yinka Ewuola:

not about me, this is not about me. It's about them. It's about

Yinka Ewuola:

value. It's about transformation. And you know, I

Yinka Ewuola:

remind myself that I have a duty if I genuinely care claim, but I

Yinka Ewuola:

care about what I care about. And I care about the difference

Yinka Ewuola:

that what I have to offer makes in the world, then I have a duty

Yinka Ewuola:

to present it, and I have a duty to listen, and I have a duty to

Yinka Ewuola:

match it. And if it's not a good match, I wouldn't let you have

Yinka Ewuola:

it even if you had the money. But if it is a good match, then

Yinka Ewuola:

I absolutely need to make sure I do everything possible to enable

Yinka Ewuola:

you to take hold.

Yinka Ewuola:

Wow, that's powerful for any self proclaimed introvert that

Yinka Ewuola:

is on the edge. And they're like, I don't know, I can't get

Yinka Ewuola:

into sales. Can I do this? Or maybe they're like, I'm in sales

Yinka Ewuola:

now. But how can I go into sales leadership, because I have to

Yinka Ewuola:

talk to the team, all of the things you said are so powerful.

Yinka Ewuola:

And as you were talking, I was thinking about what my very

Yinka Ewuola:

brilliant son has told me many times that being an introvert,

Yinka Ewuola:

it doesn't necessarily mean that you don't like being around

Yinka Ewuola:

people or you don't like talking to people. It's how you get

Yinka Ewuola:

recharged. And you said, hey, yeah, that means that I can't do

Yinka Ewuola:

the back to back meetings, because it's like, I need time

Yinka Ewuola:

alone to recharge before I can talk to other people. And then

Yinka Ewuola:

even thinking about listening because it's like the number one

Yinka Ewuola:

thing that I teach any salesperson, you must listen

Yinka Ewuola:

more than Utah. And it's actually harder for extroverts

Yinka Ewuola:

to just sit there and listen. Right? It's like they just want

Yinka Ewuola:

to hop in and pop in. And they can't just listen and reframe

Yinka Ewuola:

they want to tell you, but this is where and again, I think as

Yinka Ewuola:

introverts, we have that advantage. Because our job is

Yinka Ewuola:

not to sell our job is to facilitate them selling

Yinka Ewuola:

themselves. And so there's no amount of features or benefits

Yinka Ewuola:

or a you know, little sales tip. That's not how it works. But the

Yinka Ewuola:

thing I love about sales now is that you know, everyone is

Yinka Ewuola:

obsessed with oh, is it b2b? Is it b2c? It's human to human. And

Yinka Ewuola:

that's like people person to person that stories to stories

Yinka Ewuola:

connection to connection. And so it really is take the energy

Yinka Ewuola:

labels out of it, which is what intro and extraversion is really

Yinka Ewuola:

about. And then ask yourself, How much do you believe in your

Yinka Ewuola:

product? What does that money mean? And what does it mean to

Yinka Ewuola:

you? But also, what does it mean, you know, to your family,

Yinka Ewuola:

to your legacy to your future to what you're building. And once

Yinka Ewuola:

you give it a different meaning once you give it a meaning that

Yinka Ewuola:

is beyond that, I think I can't remember the the person who said

Yinka Ewuola:

it, but they said that once you have a big enough why you can

Yinka Ewuola:

endure anyhow. And so give yourself a big enough Why all of

Yinka Ewuola:

a sudden, the house won't matter, you you know, you'll be

Yinka Ewuola:

talking to everybody. But the other thing is to remember that

Yinka Ewuola:

rejection of the product or rejection of the idea, you know,

Yinka Ewuola:

nine out of 10 times as someone who owns a business, when

Yinka Ewuola:

someone says no, they're not actually saying no to me or my

Yinka Ewuola:

product, they're reminding me that they still have doubts in

Yinka Ewuola:

themselves. And so that's my role as a salesperson to support

Yinka Ewuola:

them to see the version of themselves that could take

Yinka Ewuola:

advantage of what I have to offer and really make a

Yinka Ewuola:

difference. And again that you know, as a salesperson, that's a

Yinka Ewuola:

real privilege, and a real opportunity to you know, for

Yinka Ewuola:

them to borrow my belief not only in my product and what I'm

Yinka Ewuola:

offering but in themselves. It's like I said sales is sales is

Yinka Ewuola:

game changing, like salespeople rule the world.

Yinka Ewuola:

Yeah. People either mess. So in what you do every day, when

Yinka Ewuola:

you're working with women, it seems like you are helping them

Yinka Ewuola:

overcome, I like to call them self limiting beliefs, right? So

Yinka Ewuola:

walk us through some of the areas that you help women

Yinka Ewuola:

overcome in order to really become confident and sell

Yinka Ewuola:

themselves or their products or whatever they want to do.

Yinka Ewuola:

Yeah, I have a model that I created. And I focus on what I

Yinka Ewuola:

call like the seven sets to holistic success. So the very

Yinka Ewuola:

first of those sets is your mindset. And as you said, those

Yinka Ewuola:

limiting beliefs are plentiful, you know, we whether it's the

Yinka Ewuola:

patriarchy or supremacy, or even just, you know, familial or

Yinka Ewuola:

cultural ideas, we have a situation where everyone's got a

Yinka Ewuola:

message to try and keep women in place. And when I say in place,

Yinka Ewuola:

it's the place that they want you to sit in, it's the place

Yinka Ewuola:

that they that it is of benefit to them that you are there as

Yinka Ewuola:

opposed to benefits to you. So that's beliefs around money.

Yinka Ewuola:

That's beliefs around what femininity is, that's beliefs

Yinka Ewuola:

around what sales means. That's beliefs around you know, the

Yinka Ewuola:

idea of even being able to run or build a business, it's

Yinka Ewuola:

beliefs about what confidence is and how you get it. It's beliefs

Yinka Ewuola:

around fear. You know, we teach our sons that when you're afraid

Yinka Ewuola:

you use your courage when we often teach our daughters or

Yinka Ewuola:

when you're afraid, you know, call for help or cower or

Yinka Ewuola:

retreat. You know, they did a study about watching children

Yinka Ewuola:

play and boys and girls climbing up trees, and how, you know,

Yinka Ewuola:

they were like encouraging their sons to go higher and they were

Yinka Ewuola:

telling their daughters to come down. And so they're, you know,

Yinka Ewuola:

these messages start from a very, very early age. So

Yinka Ewuola:

definitely, you know, I focus on the mindset. But then I also

Yinka Ewuola:

focus on the on what I like to call the heart set and soul set.

Yinka Ewuola:

So this idea that, you know, women are allowed to own their

Yinka Ewuola:

desires, and women are adults with full agency, it seems so

Yinka Ewuola:

mind boggling to the world, like everyone wants to legislate on

Yinka Ewuola:

women's emotions, women's bodies work, like everybody wants to

Yinka Ewuola:

tell him what to do. And actually, it's women are often,

Yinka Ewuola:

you know, the women that I've worked with, in experience, also

Yinka Ewuola:

very able to see it and give away their power very quickly.

Yinka Ewuola:

So it's about teaching them to actually you're allowed to what

Yinka Ewuola:

you want, you're allowed to want running a business to be easy,

Yinka Ewuola:

you're allowed to want it, if that helps you, that's another

Yinka Ewuola:

story. But you're allowed to do what you want to let now create

Yinka Ewuola:

what you want, that's believe it's possible, and let's put

Yinka Ewuola:

systems and leverage and assets in place so that we're not just

Yinka Ewuola:

focused on you, you know, hustling, and working till you

Yinka Ewuola:

die and sleep when you're dead, and all of that kind of stuff.

Yinka Ewuola:

And actually thinking about how we can turn your hard work

Yinka Ewuola:

smart, and you know, through assets and leverage and those

Yinka Ewuola:

kinds of things. And so it's really, you know, we talk about

Yinka Ewuola:

skill set as well, because there are so many mindset people out

Yinka Ewuola:

there who will tell you that mindset is everything. And

Yinka Ewuola:

actually, mindset is important. But we are not giant brains on

Yinka Ewuola:

legs. And so there are other things that are also important,

Yinka Ewuola:

and you can't out mindset, a lack of skill set, if you don't

Yinka Ewuola:

know how to do something. Yes, having a growth mindset will

Yinka Ewuola:

support the acquisition of skill, but you still need to go

Yinka Ewuola:

out there and acquire. And so it's I combine the six sets to

Yinka Ewuola:

kind of come and put together the seventh set, which is the

Yinka Ewuola:

action set, what are you going to do? What is going to be

Yinka Ewuola:

different? I like to use the saying that nothing is useful

Yinka Ewuola:

until it's used. So how are you going to use, you know, the

Yinka Ewuola:

smashing of these limiting beliefs? How what does that now

Yinka Ewuola:

translate into in terms of a different way of showing up and

Yinka Ewuola:

acting and being and that's where, again, I was talking

Yinka Ewuola:

about earlier, we then really focusing on those habits,

Yinka Ewuola:

because we are what we do habitually, as opposed to what

Yinka Ewuola:

we do occasionally, like literally no one ever lost

Yinka Ewuola:

weight going on a, you know, a five day something, it's a

Yinka Ewuola:

lifestyle thing. So we are what we do habitually. So that's

Yinka Ewuola:

where you need to focus.

Yinka Ewuola:

Hmm, that's so powerful. And you really touched on so many

Yinka Ewuola:

different things. I like that, what do you say? No mindset

Yinka Ewuola:

without skill set? Yeah,

Yinka Ewuola:

you can't out mindset, a lack of skill set.

Yinka Ewuola:

There we go. You can't out mindset, a lack of skill set,

Yinka Ewuola:

that's just like kind of like mic drop down. Get over. Because

Yinka Ewuola:

it's so true. Like, it's like, okay, you have to have a growth

Yinka Ewuola:

mindset, you have to have positive mindset, you have to

Yinka Ewuola:

think all of these good things. But if you won't pick up the

Yinka Ewuola:

phone and start cold calling, if you won't read a book on sales,

Yinka Ewuola:

if you won't read a book on how to be a better leader, none of

Yinka Ewuola:

these things are really going to help you get to the next level,

Yinka Ewuola:

right? Absolutely. And so I love that, that's gonna definitely be

Yinka Ewuola:

one of the quotes that we pull. Well, cuz I love that that is so

Yinka Ewuola:

good. The other

Yinka Ewuola:

thing I'd add, just quickly on that point you talked about, if

Yinka Ewuola:

you're not going to read a book on sales, if you're not going to

Yinka Ewuola:

pick up the phone, I think the other thing as well is really

Yinka Ewuola:

important to remember is the first time you pick up the

Yinka Ewuola:

phone, you are going to be afraid, and that's okay. You're

Yinka Ewuola:

like don't waste time. The whole reason why I've been working in

Yinka Ewuola:

my fab and feel less imprint is because it's not about

Yinka Ewuola:

fearlessness. People who are fearless, in my opinion, are

Yinka Ewuola:

dangerous and probably don't have a realistic view of the

Yinka Ewuola:

world. There are scary things in this world, whereas so what I'm

Yinka Ewuola:

focused on is not fearlessness. But to support people to feel

Yinka Ewuola:

less to not allow fear to control them, you're going to

Yinka Ewuola:

pick up the phone the first time, and you're going to be

Yinka Ewuola:

afraid you're going to be afraid the second time, you're going to

Yinka Ewuola:

be afraid that if you can get to the 10th 20 or 50 of time,

Yinka Ewuola:

that's when you're going to be confident. The problem is that

Yinka Ewuola:

people are waiting for confidence before they pick up

Yinka Ewuola:

the phone the first time and confidence is not the catalyst

Yinka Ewuola:

is not the starter confidence is the road. And so you have to

Yinka Ewuola:

start walking.

Yinka Ewuola:

And that's good. That made me think of something that I say

Yinka Ewuola:

often it's okay to fail. It's just not okay to fail the same

Yinka Ewuola:

way twice. So, hey, if you did this 10 times, and it didn't

Yinka Ewuola:

work, maybe she tweaked it a little bit, figure out what

Yinka Ewuola:

didn't work, just keep doing it. And I love sales as a muscle,

Yinka Ewuola:

right? And so it's like you have all of these different elements.

Yinka Ewuola:

I think you mentioned seven different elements. And it's

Yinka Ewuola:

just like that sales muscle. It's like, if I tweak this, if I

Yinka Ewuola:

work this, if I do this, if I do that, then it's going to get

Yinka Ewuola:

better. And really all of that is what goes into what you said

Yinka Ewuola:

to fear less. Absolutely love your play on such a wordsmith I

Yinka Ewuola:

love. So tell us give us an example of a sale that you were

Yinka Ewuola:

really happy in closing a person that you mentored or work with

Yinka Ewuola:

somebody in your team. Give us an example of something that

Yinka Ewuola:

you're really excited about

Yinka Ewuola:

one The thing that I see chronically when I'm supporting

Yinka Ewuola:

women in business is under charging it literally like it

Yinka Ewuola:

hurts myself to see these incredible accomplished women

Yinka Ewuola:

just charging peanuts, because they haven't had the education

Yinka Ewuola:

or the knowledge to be able to really understand how to price

Yinka Ewuola:

themselves effectively. But and a lot of people, you know, it's

Yinka Ewuola:

not a problem that I've observed on my own. But the challenge is,

Yinka Ewuola:

it's in so many environments, women have just told, increase

Yinka Ewuola:

your prices, you know, put up your prices. And yet, that isn't

Yinka Ewuola:

a reasonable solution that doesn't solve why they thought

Yinka Ewuola:

that was the right place in the first place. And the fact is,

Yinka Ewuola:

you need to be able to say your prices without quivering anyway.

Yinka Ewuola:

And so telling you to put up your prices, yes, it's a higher

Yinka Ewuola:

price. But if you can't sell it, if you don't have that faith, it

Yinka Ewuola:

is a real challenge. So I love and I'm always you know, I

Yinka Ewuola:

talked about this, you know, I was coaching a lady who, again,

Yinka Ewuola:

had a price that just made me so upset. And so we had a session

Yinka Ewuola:

together, she was getting ready to go and present to the client,

Yinka Ewuola:

and I added a zero to her price. And she was having heart

Yinka Ewuola:

palpitations. And you know, we went back and forth. And I just

Yinka Ewuola:

said, you know, this is the price. This is the

Yinka Ewuola:

transformation. This is the reason say the price and say

Yinka Ewuola:

nothing else. And she finished a meeting and she rang me and she

Yinka Ewuola:

was in floods of tears. And I was like, Oh, my gosh, I've

Yinka Ewuola:

torpedo this woman life, like she was hyperventilating. She

Yinka Ewuola:

and I was like, what's wrong? And she was like, No, I said,

Yinka Ewuola:

the price. They said, Great. And she was like, I don't know how

Yinka Ewuola:

to thank you, you know, the way that you structured it, you

Yinka Ewuola:

know, I totally believe in it. Now, they were so happy. And you

Yinka Ewuola:

know, in working with her and kind of moving forward in that

Yinka Ewuola:

she was like, they were her best client, they were the best

Yinka Ewuola:

behaved, they were the most grateful for what she had to

Yinka Ewuola:

offer, they were compliant, you know, they were raving fans, or

Yinka Ewuola:

they brought other clients to her, you know, the value of that

Yinka Ewuola:

client was 10 times more than, you know, she was worried about,

Yinka Ewuola:

you know, making, you know, the payments for her, you know,

Yinka Ewuola:

making payroll and her business. And, you know, just like that

Yinka Ewuola:

the solution was there. And I was like, she was like everyone

Yinka Ewuola:

said, to put up my prices, but I'd have no idea how. And I'm

Yinka Ewuola:

like, You've totally take that woman is now flying in her

Yinka Ewuola:

business. And you know, she's gone on, she's changed. Now

Yinka Ewuola:

she's doing other things, but to enable her to see the value that

Yinka Ewuola:

she offered in order to pass it on to someone else. Honestly,

Yinka Ewuola:

even now, I'm like, so excited to think of it again, and just

Yinka Ewuola:

how, you know, she was gonna go and offer that 10 times to

Yinka Ewuola:

clients to get what she would have gotten out of that one time

Yinka Ewuola:

of just adding the zero framing it differently, recognizing her

Yinka Ewuola:

value, and really going in for that deep transformation. So

Yinka Ewuola:

yeah, that's a real Yeah, it gives me chills even talking

Yinka Ewuola:

about it now.

Yinka Ewuola:

And you know, it's the thing about a career in sales, running

Yinka Ewuola:

your own business, whether you're within a corporation or

Yinka Ewuola:

doing it on your own, it changes the trajectory of your life.

Yinka Ewuola:

100%, right. Because, as you said, and as you know, it's

Yinka Ewuola:

like, pay, if you are doing something, you're helping

Yinka Ewuola:

somebody solve a problem. And you're helping your own

Yinka Ewuola:

situation, your own economy, because the more you sell, the

Yinka Ewuola:

more you make, the more you're helping people, the more you're

Yinka Ewuola:

doing these things, and it builds your confidence, right?

Yinka Ewuola:

So the more times people say yes, it's like, okay, I can do

Yinka Ewuola:

this again. And I can do this again. That's a wonderful,

Yinka Ewuola:

wonderful story. Ah, this has been so rich and so wonderful.

Yinka Ewuola:

How can people get in contact with you, if they want to chat

Yinka Ewuola:


Yinka Ewuola:

best place on socials to find me is LinkedIn, I am on LinkedIn

Yinka Ewuola:

daily. I post daily and I'm in there quite a lot. They can also

Yinka Ewuola:

hit me up on my email. That's Hello at Keller success.com. Or

Yinka Ewuola:

they can slide into my DMs on Instagram. I'm also there, and I

Yinka Ewuola:

have I think Twitter or Facebook, but yeah, LinkedIn or

Yinka Ewuola:

email are the best places to get ahold of

Yinka Ewuola:

me. Hi, Sam. And if they want to get some daily inspiration or

Yinka Ewuola:

more Yinka in the flesh, how can they do that?

Yinka Ewuola:

Okay, so I, for the ladies, I write a daily email for

Yinka Ewuola:

inspiration information. It's the longest piece of continuous

Yinka Ewuola:

content I have in my business, like six years now. It's like

Yinka Ewuola:

2200 days in a row or something. But yeah, the first thing I did,

Yinka Ewuola:

and I offer it for free and it will always be free and no, it's

Yinka Ewuola:

not every day come on by myself come and buy my stuff. Not at

Yinka Ewuola:

all. It's stories. It's, you know, things that make you laugh

Yinka Ewuola:

things or make you cry things that make you think, but yeah,

Yinka Ewuola:

I've had, you know, some real exciting opportunities from it.

Yinka Ewuola:

And like I said, it's just it's something that I offer to serve

Yinka Ewuola:

and support women on their journeys through this crazy

Yinka Ewuola:

thing called life. So yeah, if anyone wants access to that

Yinka Ewuola:

again, hello apcalis access dot com you can mail it to the list.

Yinka Ewuola:

Perfect. I will be emailing you add me to your list, because who

Yinka Ewuola:

doesn't need daily inspiration? Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Well

Yinka Ewuola:

thank you so much for sharing your time, your expertise, your

Yinka Ewuola:

talent, and so much more with the audience. Inka

Yinka Ewuola:

thank you so much for having me Wesleyan. I

Yinka Ewuola:

appreciate it. And guys, that was another episode of the

Yinka Ewuola:

science of selling stem. Be sure go check out the website. Listen

Yinka Ewuola:

to more episodes, and leave a review while you're there. And

Yinka Ewuola:

remember in everything that you do transform your sales. Until

Yinka Ewuola:

next time.


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About the Podcast

Transformed Sales
Transforming Sales Managers to Lead Using Behavior-Based Skills Development
As a sales manager, you are judged by the performance of your team. And you're praised when they do well. But one thing that you've not been able to figure out is how to get everyone on your team consistently hitting quota every single month. Sales leadership is difficult.

The Transformed Sales podcast equips sales leaders with the skills to develop high-performance teams. We provide coaching strategies for improving sales team performance, mentoring developing sellers, and providing ongoing support for best practices. As a result sales leaders can guide, create, and nurture long-term relationships with their teams.

You will learn how to enhance your ability to engage in productive conversations with internal team members, resulting in a collaborative, dynamic environment where sellers feel supported.

Transformed Sales assists businesses in developing and building the culture necessary to build high-performing sales teams. In this leadership coaching program, coaching strategies are offered that can be used to improve the performance of sales teams. These strategies provide ongoing support and reinforcement of best practices